3/11/22 A Message from First Selectman Bindelglass



Good afternoon, 

The Covid numbers are still getting better, with Easton less than 5 per 100,000, one of the better towns in the state. I still urge caution, particularly for the unvaccinated so that we all do what we can to protect each other. I think Hybrid meetings are here to stay and we had good success with the Board of Finance meetings using that format and our new cameras and microphones.

We had a brief power outage that affected approximately 600 homes for about 4 hours on Wednesday. Chief Doyle worked with UI, who were pretty much on top of things and it was resolved quickly. There was a battery problem with a facility and when it was changed out the system came back.

Budget presentations continued this week but were interrupted by Wednesday’s outage. Superintendent Dr. McKinnon and BOE Chairman Jon Stinson made an excellent presentation to the Board of Finance and are recommending an increase of 2.78%. At this time, we have one more session to reschedule and then we will be presenting a preliminary budget. We will be having a public hearing on the budget at 7:00 pm on Monday, March 21 at SSES.

We hope to start work on the roof at Old Staples (660 Morehouse) this summer. Amazingly it is time for Public Works to begin thinking about road work as spring is almost upon us.

Frontier continues to connect more homes to the internet.

Tomorrow’s weather looks a little dicey so be careful.

Have a great weekend,
