9/10/2021 Message from the First Selectman

Remembering 20 years
Good afternoon, 

As a reminder, tomorrow there will be a ceremony in remembrance of September 11, at 10 AM to be held at the Memorial in front of the library. The program is available at https://www.eastonct.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif3071/f/news/9-11_program_web_v2_2021.pdf.

Morehouse Road will be blocked off from Notre Dame to Center Rd. The town will be running a shuttle bus from Old SSES/Notre Dame parking lots to the memorial. Those of us who are old enough to remember that tragic day understand the significance of the attack on our country. I would also urge those who do not know of the direct effects of 9/11 on the town of Easton to take the time to learn. Interim Superintendent McMorran has discussed ways to teach and learn about these events far more eloquently than I can https://eastoncourier.news/2021/09/03/message-from-the-superintendent-covid-and-9-11/#more-33843 .

The one comment I will make is that 9/11 affected us as ONE country and serves as an ever present reminder that what we share in common as Americans is far greater than what sets us apart. It should be a beautiful and solemn ceremony. 

I want to commend our Central Office staff, building administrators and staff, and all who have helped get our schools off to a great start. This would also not be possible without the cooperation of our Easton Families.

Monday, September 13 is the special Town Meeting. It will be held in the cafetorium at Samuel Staples cafetorium at 7 PM and will be streamed on Channel 79 and Facebook. Masks are required and we will maintain social distancing but there is no limitation on the number of attendees. Please be mindful of your neighbors' safety. Post cards with the agenda are in the mail and the agenda and supporting material can be referenced at https://www.eastonct.gov/town-meeting/agenda/special-town-meeting-notice-and-information-2. There will be a referendum on Tuesday, September 21, again at Samuel Staples from 6 AM to 8 PM. As always these are important issues and you should educate yourselves as to the issues and exercise your right to participate in the town's governing process.

Also, the Board of Finance approved the first expenditure of funds from the American Rescue Act for a new Lucas device to perform CPR on patients and to repair a number of dry hydrants around town.

Next Saturday September 18, is a busy day. The 21st Annual Dare Race takes place in the morning, same day registration starts at 8:30, the 2nd Annual Town Party is being held from 1 – 7pm and EMS will be celebrating their 75th Anniversary with Fireworks. Gates open at 5. All should be great events.  More info is forthcoming. 

I hope to see many of you tomorrow.
