8/13/2021 Message from the First Selectman



Good afternoon,

The weekly number of cases fell to 8 for the week ending August 7, from 13 the week before. While this is good news I would still urge caution. Masks are now required in town buildings. Places of large indoor crowds in neighboring towns like grocery stores and pharmacies are starting to require masks as well. In any place where you are indoors with a large number of people, I would urge you to wear a mask regardless of your vaccination status. Outdoors in large groups, while being a safer option, social distancing should be practiced.

There have been a lot of signs placed around town recently. To clarify, attached is the Town’s Policy on signage. It is the responsibility of the town through the Zoning Enforcement Officer to remove non- conforming, illegal signs from town property (this includes roughly five feet in from the road), we WILL be removing these signs and enforcing our policy. The placement of signs on telephone poles is illegal by State law. The Department of Public Works by way of the Tree Warden, is responsible for removing those.

I want to remind all town residents, especially newcomers, that this Saturday, August 14th Citizens for Easton is hosting their free, 12th Annual Farm Tour from 10 am – 2 pm at Samuel Staples School. Agriculture is a key part of our heritage in Easton. We have some wonderful farms as well as dedicated farmers who own and work them. This is a chance to visit and tour various farms and see what their offerings are.  Some other small businesses will have tables or booths set up at some of the farms.  This is an excellent way to familiarize yourself with all that Easton has to offer!

Coming in the fall are several Easton events. We will be holding a remembrance ceremony acknowledging the 20th Anniversary of the September 11, 2021 attacks. A Memorial to the Victims of 9/11 stands in front of the Library. There will be more details regarding the ceremony in future posts. The ceremony not only will honor those who lost their lives but will also give an opportunity to learn about how this tragic day affected Easton directly. It is somewhat unbelievable that 20 years has passed as I, for one, remember exactly what I was doing on that fateful morning. A Special Town Meeting is tentatively scheduled for September 14th, more details on this to follow.  Also, Easton EMS is planning a 75th Anniversary fireworks extravaganza for September 18th following the 2nd Annual  Easton Town Party from 1pm – 7 pm the same day.  Again, more details to follow.

Big shout out to Sport Hill Farm for providing Easton grown corn stalks for the set of the YES Network Studios yesterday during the broadcast of the Yankees/White Sox Game at the Field of Dreams in Iowa!

Have a great weekend and please be careful!

Dave Bindelglass


The Town of Easton, through the Board of Selectman, affirms its authority to control the use of Town-owned land, including Town road rights-of-way. Therefore, permission is required from the Board of Selectmen (or the Board of Education in the case of school grounds) to erect signs on Town Property. Planning and Zoning regulations will dictate whether a sign also requires a Zoning permit.


Signs illegally posted on Town property will be removed and discarded without notice.  The Town bears no responsibility to store signs.

Private signs on Town land will generally not be permitted, however, people or organizations wishing to erect a sign should contact the First Selectman. Planning and Zoning permission may be required.

Town departments may post reasonably sized signs in close proximity to the buildings they occupy. (e.g. within a few feet of the Library or EMS building). Planning and Zoning permission may be required. 

Town departments wishing to post signs on town property not proximate to their facilities must receive permission from the Board of Selectmen.  Planning and Zoning approval may be required.

Signs posted on roadside Town property for not more than five days prior to a specific event will generally be tolerated.

For Sale Signs posted on roadside Town property advertising the sale or lease of that property will generally be tolerated.  Planning and Zoning permission may be required.

After Labor Day, political signs on roadside Town land will not be disturbed as long as they are not excessive in size or number.  In addition, political signs connected to a town-wide voting event will not be disturbed two weeks before the event. Signs should be taken down immediately after the election or event.

In accordance with state law, the Tree Warden will remove all signs attached to Town trees or utility poles.

The Town, in its sole discretion, may remove from Town land any signs it deems hazardous, excessive, or in poor taste.