7/21/2023 A Message from First Selectman Bindelglass


Good afternoon,

One of the most highly anticipated events in Easton is the Volunteer Fireman’s carnival which begins August 1, and runs through August 5. It is an event not to be missed.  You will see all your neighbors. People come from all around the region.  It is a truly great event. There are rides for the kids, and great games, food and the ever-popular bingo. Every year the volunteers raffle off a vehicle. This year it is a 2023 jeep.  For information or to buy tickets go to https://easton-volunteer-fire-company-1.myshopify.com/products/copy-of-2022-annual-vehicle-raffle. Hope to see you at the carnival!

In support of our sister city in Ukraine, please join us for the Sviatohirsk Sunflower Fest on Saturday, July 29 from 10:30-1 at Samuel Staples. Enjoy pony rides, a full petting zoo, arts and crafts, food and more.  With the recent rain, the sunflowers in front of SSES are starting to bloom. We are raising money to provide our sister city with a water purification system and equipment to make wood pellets from their many downed trees. Most of their furnaces ran on coal which they no longer can get and so this is how they hope to provide heat for their residents in the upcoming winter.  You can imagine the importance, and they are so grateful for our help.

The Easton Senior Center is having a spectacular summer Tag Sale through August 1 from 8:00-3. Please go checkout all the wonderful items for sale.

Please join Easton EMS for a Charity Ride and Car Show on Saturday, August 12 from 10:00-2:00 at Helen Keller Middle School (new location). Rain date is Sunday, August 13. There is a $20 entrance fee for cars and motorcycles and FREE for spectators. All proceeds go towards a new EMS building.

Last night at the selectmen meeting we agreed to a court stipulation which discontinued a road called Old Burr’s highway off Norton Rd. What that means is that the town no longer is responsible for maintenance of a road which we have not maintained for years. This had been a potential liability for us. The road is shared by the Aspetuck Land trust and the owners of the house at the effective end of the road. As lawyers for both sides explained to us, this does not change access by the public to any Aspetuck land connected to the road. We filled the balance of the planning and zoning commission following previously discussed resignations. We voted at a resident’s request to fly the POW/MIA flags. We will do this on the six days specified by the Department of Defense which are Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, National POW/MIA day and Veterans day.  A resident suggested that we limit the flying of any one flag to one week only.

Are you a veteran who is suffering from a service related injury or illness? Claims Received by August 9 Are Eligible for 12 Months of Backdated Compensation.

There’s no deadline to apply for PACT Act benefits. But if you file your PACT Act claim—or quickly submit your intent to file—on or before August 9, 2023, you may receive benefits backdated to August 10, 2022, if approved.

We have a Veteran Specialist available at the Eastern CT Veterans Community Center who can help you file an intent or application before this deadline. Text/call 860-423-6389 or email info@windhamchamber.com to set up an appointment before the deadline!!

Lastly, I want to make you aware of a Freedom of information request which was made to the library by a resident to furnish every single purchase order for books from January 1, 2018, to July 1, 2023. You can imagine what a strain this is on the library’s resources. Every year at budget time we debate the library staffing.  The current staff must comply by law with this request.

Have a great weekend,
