7/14/2023 A Message from First Selectman Bindelglass


Good afternoon,

Temperatures remain uncomfortable and at times unsafe. Remember if you are having any kind of issues with the heat, the town has the ability to open up cooling centers. If you have a need, please call the non-emergency police number, 203-268-4111.

In support of our sister city in Ukraine, the steering committee for the Easton-Sviatohirsk sister city project will be holding the Sviatohirsk Sunflower Fest on Saturday, July 29, from 10:30-1 at Samuel Staples. Enjoy pony rides, a full petting zoo, arts and crafts, food and more, and pick some sunflowers. We are working towards our next goal of providing a water purifier. One of the town’s biggest needs is drinkable water.  

In recognition of our truly deserving Easton Veterans from the Korean and Vietnam era, the town will be hosting a Veterans Awards Ceremony to recognize your dedication and commitment to our nation. The ceremony is scheduled for Monday, July 31 at 5:00pm at the Easton Public Library Community Room, 691 Morehouse Road and invitations were mailed last week. If you plan to attend, please RSVP by Friday, July 21, to Ginger Fiore at gfiore@eastonct.gov or call 203-268-6291.

One of the most highly anticipated events in Easton is the Volunteer Fireman’s carnival which begins August 1, and runs through August 5. It is an event not to be missed. There are rides for the kids, great games, food and the ever-popular bingo. Every year the volunteers raffle off a vehicle. This year it is a 2023 jeep.  For information or to buy tickets go to https://easton-volunteer-fire-company-1.myshopify.com/products/copy-of-2022-annual-vehicle-raffle. Hope to see you at the carnival!

Please join Easton EMS for a Charity Ride and Car Show on Saturday, August 12 from 10:00-2:00 at Helen Keller Middle School (new location). Rain date is Sunday, August 13. There is a $20 entrance fee for cars and motorcycles and the event is FREE for spectators. All proceeds go towards a new EMS building.

The Gov. Oliver Wolcott Sr. branch of the Connecticut Sons of the American Revolution will be honoring FIVE American Patriots, with a graveside ceremony on Saturday, August 19, 10:30, at the Union Cemetery, Easton, CT.

The CTSSAR Color Guard will be presenting a three-volley musket salute and representatives from the Town of Easton, Easton Historical Society and the CTSSAR will be speaking about the FIVE American Patriots, Jared Baldwin, Stephen Gregory, Stephen Hubbell, Zachariah Lacey and Daniel Silliman. Easton’s role during the time of the American Revolution will also be presented. The ceremony will be a great learning experience, enlightening and a patriotic event.  The public is invited to attend.

Our farms are really coming into season. Not only can you get fresh healthy food, but you can help support our thriving agricultural community. We have had a number of fairly severe storm lately. Please be careful. 

Have a great weekend.
