6/4/2021 A Message from First Selectman Bindelglass

Good afternoon,JUNE 2021

It was great to see many residents on Memorial Day and a huge thank you to all who participated and organized the parade! Everyone being together should remind us that we have more in common than that which separates us. Life continues to return to more normalcy. School will let out soon and summer will begin. We can all be thankful that it seems as though we may be reaching the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. There are many fun activities to enjoy in our state this summer, from pick your own fruit, beach visits, nature hikes and simply being outside!  We have had quite a few bear reports in town lately, so please use caution and should you see a bear, please call the non-emergency police number 203-268-4111 to report the citing.

We are still waiting to learn more about what relief we will receive from the American Rescue Act. We are working on plans for partially replacing the roof at 660 Morehouse Road. The bridge work is continuing. GoNetspeed, “freakishly fast high-speed internet” is slowly becoming more of a possibility as an alternative to Optimum for cable service, but we need as many people in town to sign up as interested in the service for the company to bring it to Easton. Please remember to sign up for GoNetSpeed at https://gonetspeed.com the site says we only need 400 more people to show interest!!

There has been an influx of signs being posted around town.  Please refer to the Signs on Town Property Policy (https://www.eastonct.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif3071/f/uploads/policies_and...)  and if you have placed signs around town, please remove them or they will be taken down in the beginning of next week.  We would like to preserve the rural character of Easton. Signage, such as the ones currently popping up all over town, diminishes the beautiful backdrop of our Town.

The Board of Finance met on Tuesday. They discussed the proposed pathway along Sport Hill Road which was the subject of the referendum this spring. The Board decided to approve $80,000 to begin the design process for the pathway; to formulate an actual preliminary design. This expenditure requires approval by a Special Town Meeting and because of the controversial nature of the pathway, I believe the Selectmen will require a referendum. If we decide to proceed to finalization of the design, and/or construction, at least one more vote will be required. The timing for the Special Town Meeting is yet to be decided but could occur mid-September. If the town does not like the preliminary design and votes to not continue the project, Easton would forfeit 20% of the design cost or $16,000. There was also some question about how to reach the Board of Finance. The direct email address is: BOF@eastonct.gov .

Our behind the camera - man, Robert Webbe, is continuing to upload the video files for past meetings, please be patient.

Enjoy your weekend!

Dave Bindelglass