6/12/2020 A Message from First Selectman Bindelglass...

Congratulations 2020 image

Good afternoon, 

Today is Graduation Day at Joel Barlow High School for our seniors! Congratulations to all our graduates and their families. Despite the circumstances, this is truly a momentous occasion in the lives of our extraordinary young people.  They have had to endure remote learning and the cancellation of many of the rites of passage afforded former senior graduation classes. “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined.” – Anonymous 

Our thoughts are still dominated by the call for change happening in our nation. On Monday night, a vigil for George Floyd was held with about 250 people at the Morehouse Fields. Several of our residents spoke eloquently about their experiences and the challenges before our nation.  It was a powerful event, and showed how in Easton, those of us of different races and backgrounds can, and I believe will, come together.

On the COVID-19 front, our state and our town are slowly beginning to reopen. For Easton, the major changes will come in the expanded use of our fields and some athletic facilities. In accordance with the state’s recommendations, there will be limited Little League practices and games. Since our town has done a good job in respecting the guidelines in place since we opened Lower Veteran’s Field. The rest of the town’s fields will open under the same guidelines. Please check the Park and Recreation Facebook page and town website. I also want to congratulate our eateries for handling their gradual reopening’s in a safe way, as certified by our Health Department. The Easton Library will continue with curbside service. In July, Town Hall will open to the public for the purpose of collecting taxes ONLY. All of these changes are subject to further review over time. The state has not yet made any decisions on guidelines for opening services specifically for our seniors. I have approached the Town of Fairfield about allowing our residents access to Fairfield beaches, but they are not ready to make a decision.  

As a cautionary tale, a number of states which began reopening before Connecticut have seen significant increases in COVID-19 positive cases. We still need to be careful, social distance, wear masks and use good hygiene. Hopefully, we can avoid an increase in cases in our town and state.

Please remember if you are seeking an extension on your property taxes please see the town website      www.eastonct.gov for the appropriate form or contact the Tax Collector at 203-268-6291. The Annual Town Report can be picked in the lobby of the Police Department on the drop off/pick up table. 

South Park Bridge is now paved. There are a few more finishing touches to be completed and we should be announcing the opening very soon.

Have a great weekend. Enjoy our first cautious steps towards normalcy, but please be safe, and be well.

Dave Bindelglass