4/9/2020 A Message from First Selectman Bindelglass...


Good afternoon,

A quick update, since I last reached out the number of diagnosed cases in Easton has risen to 12. This may correspond to an increase in testing, but nonetheless I cannot say strongly enough that this again underscores the importance of staying the course.  The combination of nice weather and the holidays this weekend will be a great source of temptation. Please resist that temptation and continue to do the great job that you have all been doing at social distancing and personal hygiene. It is a time for family, but this year it needs to be “virtual”. Town Hall will be completely closed tomorrow, April 10, 2020 in observance of Good Friday.

Please remember that the budget proposal is posted on our website. Please look at the presentation and send us your comments. I cannot say whether there will be a Town Meeting and/or a referendum to approve the budget just yet. We continue to look at alternate ways to hold a Town Meeting and/or referendum. The Governor has mandated that we make provisions for those who for financial reasons related to the pandemic cannot pay their taxes on time. Executive Order 7S ~ Property Tax Deferral is still being evaluated so more to come on that later.

Thank you to everyone who has volunteered their help. We have volunteer shoppers for seniors. We have people dropping off food and PPE supplies at EMS and the Police Department.  Thanks to Senator Tony Hwang for dropping off a delivery of much needed masks and to State Representative Anne Hughes who is a continuous source of information on services which are available to our residents and businesses. There are so many people helping out their neighbors in so many ways. We are all so lucky to be here in Easton. Please see the attached information about the Town of Easton’s Social Services. 

Please also see www.ct.gov/coronavirus for information on financial assistance for small businesses, mortgage holders, recently unemployed and a whole wealth of useful information with answers to frequently asked questions.  

Be well and be safe and have an enjoyable holiday. 
Dave Bindelglass

The Town of Easton’s Social Services Department is here to help you and your family during these trying times. In addition to a small food pantry with non- perishable food items there are gift cards available to local grocery stores (limit one per family). 

To apply for HUSKY, Medicare Savings Program, or SNAP (Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program) go to this website connect.ct.gov/access.

Applications can be done online.

There is support out there and resources available to you and your kids.  Visit The Hub, which is a Behavioral Health Action Organization for Southwestern CT, for more information.

You can reach Alison Witherbee at awitherbee@eastonct.gov or call her at 203-268-1137.  Although she is working remotely she will get back to you and answer any questions you might have, or point you in the direction you need to go.