4/7/2020 A Message from First Selectman Bindelglass...

Good morning,

I hope everyone enjoyed the mostly nice weekend. Again, it was great to see people out walking through Easton. Silverman’s opening is a sure sign of spring, and all our eateries and farm stands continue to feed us.

As of Monday morning, there were 6 cases of COVID-19 present in Easton. As most of us have become news junkies at this point, I want to comment about the most recent news. I feel very strongly that there is a good news/bad news aspect to the news. Chief Doyle, Dr. Michos and I are heartened, as we all are, to hear some good news. Perhaps, there is beginning to be a glimmer of hope or at least a slowing down in the growth of cases. However, if there is any progress in “lowering the curve,” it is precisely because of the social distancing and hygiene that we have been practicing. Now is not the time to relax, because I assure you that there are still people in all of our lives who if tested, have the virus. It can still be spread and the numbers can still accelerate. Over the weekend, the CDC suggested, voluntarily, that everyone should be wearing masks in public. This is moving towards greater not less protection, even now. As far as we can tell, the town has so far done a great job of keeping the virus at bay. Let’s keep it that way until the whole thing is behind us.  

Remember, this is especially hard on our kids, and they need our guidance. They miss their friends, and the older kids have no opportunity to get away and meet up. We have broken up several basketball games that required climbing fences to play. Again, this is a town wide, community effort for everyone’s safety. Even for young, healthy people at lower risk, they can come back to their homes and carry the virus to other members of the household. The results can be devastating.  

One other thought about enjoying the outside and walking around Easton… I think we can all agree that most of us as drivers are not the best observers of speed limits in town. With so many more people out walking on our roads, please be careful. 

On the brighter side, do not forget the cowbell challenge. We are gearing up for Friday night. I also see people collecting and painting rocks. Easton rocks!

The link to the budget is posted on the town website with directions for comments. Please give us your thoughts. Selected meetings in town can now be accessed on demand at this link: https://www.eastonct.gov/channel-79. Some boards and commissions have been meeting on Zoom. We are working on how to make these meetings more secure and exploring how we might hold a town meeting. Some of our fellow Eastonites are offering their expertise in these areas - thank you!

Finally, we are still taking things one day at a time. This week, again, enjoy the benefits of our now simpler lives and our families. 

Be well, and let’s all keep ourselves and each other safe!

Dave Bindelglass