4/14/2023 A Message from First Selectman Bindelglass


Good afternoon,

On Monday, April 24, we will be holding our annual town meeting. I will speak more about the budgets being considered next week when we are closer to the date. Remember that the town meeting is the legislative body of the town. This is an age-old New England tradition which obviously dates back to times when all the members of the town gathered to do the town’s business.  You will receive a postcard with the relevant information next week. The meeting will be held at Samuel Staples Elementary School at 7:00pm.  The actual decision on accepting the budget proposals will be made by referendum on May 2. Information can be found at Annual Town Meeting.

Taste of Easton-Redding presents Appetizers & Desserts on May 7, 2023 from 1:00pm-3:00pm at the Easton Public Library. All are welcome to attend this community event. Please consider bringing a non-perishable food item for our friends at the Merton Center in Bridgeport. Easton-Sviatohirsk Sister City Alliance will also have a table with Ukrainian Desserts and accepting donations for Sviatohirsk.

On Saturday, May 13 - Please join the Easton Arts Council in celebrating their 25th Anniversary from 7:00pm to 10:00pm in the Easton Public Library Community Room. The Arts council has done so much over the years to promote the arts in Easton with displays and programs. Twenty-five years is a great accomplishment! Come celebrate with us.

It has been several months since I provided you with an update on the new EMS headquarters. I will do my best to explain all the interlocking issues involved. Expect that update shortly.

Thanks to those who attended this week’s brown bag open forum.

Enjoy your weekend,
