3/30/2020 A Message from First Selectman Bindelglass...

Good afternoon. 

While it was a cold and dreary weekend, there were a number of heartwarming things happening in Easton.  From the end of my driveway, it was clear Friday evening that much Easton was participating in the Cowbell Challenge. Thank you to our churches as well, for “chiming in”. I think it brought a smile to the faces of all who participated. Hopefully, it was seen and heard by many of our seniors as well. We hope to have more residents out for this Friday’s Challenge! I have also noticed some spontaneous decorations (see below) around Easton which are beautiful and do lift our spirits.

I have decided to close the tennis courts and basketball court at Helen Keller Middle School. Unfortunately, most of the towns around us have closed these types of facilities as they might encourage people to gather and not keep socially distant. I also do not want to encourage people to come to Easton to do things which they cannot do in their own towns. 

The number of diagnosed infections in Easton remains low. However, I am still concerned.  There are still undoubtedly more cases that have not yet have been identified. Hospital numbers of Covid-19 patients are increasing and accelerating in the area. It is critical to follow all the advice that you hear every day about social distancing and hand washing and staying home. I am particularly concerned about the supermarkets where we all need to go. Please be especially careful when visiting these stores to keep your distance and consider that every item you pick up most likely has been touched by many others, so wash your hands, use sanitizer or wear gloves. What is clear about this virus is that the actions of each individual are crucial not only to themselves, but to their families and to their entire communities. 

I have new resources to pass along from the Center for Family Justice. As people are stressed, unfortunately bad things happen, even in communities like Easton.

Domestic Violence: 203-384-9559
Sexual Violence: 203-333-2233
Spanish Hotline: 888-568-8332

I have a meeting with the town department heads tomorrow to discuss how we can best continue to serve you and how we can take this time to plan for the future. I am looking for ways to streamline what we do, to provide better service and to innovate in terms of new programs and services.  

In the next day or so we will be posting the presentation on the Annual Budget that would have been presented at the Public Hearing. After viewing the presentation please, email any questions to the Board of Finance BOF@eastonct.gov. We hope to follow up on this with some type of electronic meeting. 

It is always a good time to remember the dedication and effort being made by our first responders to keep us safe, our educators to persevere in educating our children, and all the healthcare workers fighting this battle from the front lines. 

Thank you and be safe. 

Dave Bindelglass

DB Message Pic 3-30-2020