3/25/22 A Message from First Selectman Bindelglass


Good afternoon,

Our COVID numbers are still very good, although there are signs of a very slight increases in pockets of the state. I hesitate to declare that we are finished with the pandemic, but I think most of our lives are returning to near normal. As I tell my own patients, throwing caution to the wind and not using common sense is always a bad strategy.

Frontier is still working in town. As they move further, they will also be getting more of the equipment off the ground.

Both the town and the Aspetuck Land Trust are working on cleaning up the South Park Property with the help and support of the Blaze family. Unfortunately, there is a lot of decayed equipment, dilapidated structures and litter on the property.

At our last Board of Selectmen meeting, a motion passed to fly the Pride flag for the month of June with a celebration planned on June 1st.  We will update you as we receive details.  If others are interested in having a flag flown at Town Hall, please refer to the Flag Policy on our website https://www.eastonct.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif3071/f/uploads/flag_policy_8.2020.pdf.  Please know that when we put links in the weekly posts we are aware that the links are not truly functional.  Please cut and paste the links in your browser.

An Affordable Housing Public Information Session will be held on Monday, March 28th at Samuel Staples at 6:00pm.  We encourage you to participate in person if you have questions or comments.  It will also be broadcast via zoom and Facebook live. 

A reminder that the deadline for the Easton Sign Contest for Children K-8 & 9-12 is Saturday, March 26th, 11:00am-2:00pm at the Easton Public Library.

Have a great weekend,
