2/5/2021 A Message from First Selectman Bindelglass


Good afternoon,

This week began with another large snow storm and another job well done by our Department of Public Works with an assist by our Park and Recreation maintenance staff. After several easy winters, it is beginning to look like this year may be different. Punxsutawney Phil apparently concurs! Prepare for and be cautious in future storms, check the weather often as it seems to change daily!

As of last night, the number of Eastonites who have tested positive for the virus stands at 296. The trend is getting better and the per 100,000 for the 2 weeks ending January 31, 2021 was 21.9. We continue to keep students in school, snow notwithstanding.  While we all need to continue to be careful and do the right thing, we must also acknowledge that some of us will inevitably get the COVID-19 virus. When contact tracing, we are sometimes told that people will not get tested or report their contacts for fear that they will be ostracized. This is not appropriate and  not helpful to the community. This point was well made last night by my colleague Selectman Kristi Sogofsky.  The Westport-Weston Health District vaccinated patients at the Easton Library on February 4th. There will be a second clinic on March 4 for SECOND SHOTS ONLY. They are not allowed to restrict vaccinations to Easton residents, register on VAMS and look for spots on that day. The slots are not all released at once so if there are no availabilities, keep checking. The Senior Center staff is still assisting many of our seniors with signing up. Thank you Randy Shapiro, Val Buckley and Alison Witherbee, in particular.

In Easton, we do not make the national news very often, but our own District 9 Superintendent Dr. Harrison did just that with his viral music video announcing our snow day on Monday. Great job! Check it out.

I am currently reviewing the individual department budgets as we enter budget season. My goal is to be mindful of any increases while not sacrificing the services and benefits to our residents. The revaluation of property in Easton will begin in earnest shortly.

The Board of Selectmen has sent a letter to all new families in town that we have identified, welcoming them and inviting them to an introductory meeting about all the wonderful things we all love about Easton. Our resources, and opportunities to participate in our town organizations will be showcased in the virtual meeting scheduled for March 11, 2021 at 7:30 pm. I welcome any input on what we should include in that presentation.

Lastly, we mourn the passing of  our long time Assessor in Easton, Terri Rainieri. Our hearts go out to her family and friends.  She had been serving as the Fire District Assessor and will be greatly missed.

Have a great weekend and enjoy Super Bowl LV, Kansas City Chiefs vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers…

Dave Bindelglass