2/12/2021 A Message from First Selectman Bindelglass


Good afternoon,

It has been a snowy week with more to come!

The focus in Town Hall has shifted to the annual town budget. I have been meeting with all of the departments to review their respective budgets. The Board of Education has begun their budget review as well. 

The budget referendum process will begin with a Board of Finance meeting March 2, 2021, with subsequent public hearing, followed by the Annual Town Meeting an ultimately a machine vote on the budget. The agendas for all meetings and their ZOOM links can be found on the town website. The Board of Education has special meetings to review the budget, and they can be watched or viewed after being recorded on the www.er9.org website. The Board of Finance meetings can be followed  live or seen recorded on our website and on Gov. Channel 79. Ultimately, the budget is voted on by the town. It is all of our responsibilities to be informed and to vote!

People ages 65 and older are now eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Instructions for signing up are on the website.  The current count of people who have tested positive in Easton is 313. For the 2 weeks ending February 6, 2021, the  per 100,000 rate was 19. Our schools, Library and Senior Center remain open.  The Westport Weston Health District will be vaccinating people on March 4, 2021, at the library for second doses only.  (Only those who have already had a first dose and are waiting for their second, may sign up.) Making an appointment  for your second dose is the same as for the first dose through the VAMS system. You should not wait long after getting your first dose to arrange for an appointment for your second dose as these appointments fill up quickly. Again, instructions are available on the town website. 

Remember that March 11, 2021,  is the virtual program for all of our new residents.  Mark your calendar. We will begin at 7:30 pm. It should be very informative. 

Amazingly, Monday, I will be attending my third 100th birthday party for an Eastonite.  Happy Birthday Ann Fiyalka!  Amelia Earhart would be proud!

More snow is expected in the next weekend.  During our last storm, there was a collision between a town plow truck and a motorist at the intersection of Morehouse Road and Center Road. This underscores the need for all of us to be careful and to stay off the roads during storms so that our DPW crew can do their jobs. It is hard enough when the roads are empty. Please be careful and considerate.  Stay safe, stay warm and have a great weekend.

Dave Bindelglass