10/6/2023 A Message from First Selectman Bindelglass

easton in the fall

Good afternoon,

We received word this week that the Aspetuck Land Trust received the state’s contribution to the purchase of 18.9 acres along the Mill River to complete the sale, which we had been working on for several years. The land trust wired the town $470,000 to complete the sale and is now in legal possession of the property. This guarantees that the land will be protected in perpetuity. The land trust plans to name the property after the former First Selectman of Easton, William (Bill) Kupinse and his wife, Patricia. The town and the land trust are thrilled to have finished this acquisition. There are many people to thank for their hard work in making this happen. We plan to have a ceremonial closing to recognize as many of those folks as we can. You can read the official press release in the Courier at: https://eastoncourier.news/2023/10/04/sale-of-south-park-property-to-aspetuck-land-trust-finalized/. The ceremonial closing will be held at the South Park property, 18-22 South Park Avenue, Wednesday, October 11th at 2:00pm. All are welcome.

At the Board of Selectmen meeting last night, we endorsed the recommendation of the EMS Building Committee’s best plan of renovating the existing building. The Board of Finance had similarly endorsed this on Tuesday at their meeting. Over several years, multiple options had been considered, but this was chosen for being the most cost effective, while still being able to provide an excellent facility for our emergency medical workers. The building will stay within its current boundaries. The town will purchase a small tract of adjacent land which will allow for side entry of the ambulances and an upgraded septic system. Side entry will eliminate the need to bring ambulances directly on and off Sport Hill road which is a significant improvement in safety. The Board of Finance approved $20,000 to begin necessary surveys and for an architect. They plan to approve funding for the chosen architect in November. The town has approximately $2 million in Covid money and EMS has raised approximately $700,000 privately for the project. Using preliminary estimates, the town would contribute approximately $1 million, but all of these numbers will become clearer once a design is completed. Again, there are so many people to thank. The members of the building committee have worked tirelessly for months and in some cases years. The collaboration between the EMS Building Committee and the Board of Finance is great and we now have a plan to move ahead.

The Aspetuck Health District will be providing flu shots to Easton residents on Monday, October 16th at the Easton Public Library from 11:00am to 1:30pm. Call 203-227-9571 ext. 235 for an appointment. We accept Medicare, Connecticare, Aetna and Cigna. https://www.eastonct.gov/aspetuck-health-district/news/flu-shots

This is the twentieth anniversary of the Easton Community Center. They have asked us to pass along the following: Get your Lederhosen ready.  Twenty-year Anniversary Oktoberfest Bash in our charming farm town. Come one come all to the Easton Community Center on October 14th, as we roll out the barrels to celebrate two decades of serving the community!  Get ready to tap your toes to live music, indulge in mouthwatering delicacies, sip on adult beverages that will make your taste buds dance, and dive into a beer pong tournament. Games, laughter and good times are on the menu as we party from 4:00pm until 9:00pm.  Whether you are a long-time friend or a newcomer to our community, we hope you will join us as we raise a toast to 20 fantastic years.

The upcoming event at the Union Cemetery is a great opportunity for community members to learn more about our town’s past while helping clean and restore one of our oldest cemeteries. The Historical Society is holding two sessions with renowned expert Michael Carroll of Rediscovering History on Saturday, October 21st at 10:00am and 1:00pm.  Attendees will be given an overview of cemetery preservation, safety guidelines for cleaning as well as a resetting demonstration. Cleaning kits and supplies will be provided to participants so they can learn first-hand with guidance on a selection of tombstones in need of care. Rediscovering History is a non-profit group of trained volunteers committed to cleaning up our cemeteries, honoring our fallen military members and preserving history.  Through cemetery cleanups, they are bringing history to the forefront of our communities.  The Historical Society of Easton is proud to sponsor this event and to help the Union Cemetery’s ongoing maintenance and repair costs. Light refreshments will be provided for event participants.  Space is limited so we ask those interested to please sign-up early and for one session per person.  Please visit the link for tickets and more details. If you are unable to attend, there is donation link if you would like to support our preservation efforts! https://historical-society-of-easton.yapsody.com/event/index/783505/union-cemetery-workshop

On October 26th from 10:00am-11:30am, in the community room of the Easton Public Library there will be a Climate, Coffee & Conversation with Lawmakers sponsored by the Connecticut league of conservation voters (CTLCV). CTCLV is a nonprofit, bipartisan organization working to protect the environment in Connecticut.  This free event is designed to provide a unique opportunity for people to engage in meaningful discussions with lawmakers. Hosted by CTLCV, the idea is to offer an opportunity for open dialogue between constituents over a cup of coffee, to foster a deeper understanding of environmental issues and work towards innovative solutions.  If you have any questions, please email ctlcv@ctlcv.org or call Julianna at 860-236-5442.

Just a friendly reminder that Town Offices will be closed on Monday, October 9th.

Have a nice weekend,
