10/09/2020 A Message from First Selectman Bindelglass


Good afternoon,

Thanks to the outstanding preparations made by our school administrators and teachers, we had a great first week of in person learning at our schools. The first week seems to have gone very well and I am sure the kids are looking forward to the long weekend ahead to rest and regroup.  Transitioning to in-person learning was always a leap of faith. The expectation that our families would step up take all the appropriate steps to keep our kids and teachers safe will undoubtedly lead to many more successful and COVID-free weeks ahead.

On the town website is our storm preparation and response update. Working with my office, the Easton Courier will be collecting information from folks who are willing to offer their services in the aftermath of future storms. I have met with and continue to follow up with our cell tower operators, UI and Altice to plan for a better response to storms in the future.  

Construction in Easton is booming. One of my goals is to make Easton a town where contractors enjoy doing business. This includes where processes are orderly and consistent, and the town departments are responsive to the needs of the contractors. This is a project we will be starting shortly.  We plan to streamline the permitting and inspection processes.

Business is also booming at our farms. This has been challenging in the time of Covid, and while I trust the residents of our town, a lot of the worry come from the fact that our wonderful farms attract people from around the region. We hope that those who come to visit will learn by watching the people of Easton to be mindful of mask wearing, hand washing and social distancing. The owners of our farms are committed to everyone’s safety.

Voting has begun; ballots are already returning to the ballot drop off box outside of the Police Department on the library side of Morehouse Road, and by mail. The right to vote is sacred in our democracy so please vote. With less than 4 weeks until the election, I can only reiterate the importance of respecting our neighbors through the campaign process.

This week the Senior Center provided flu shots for 270 people! In the age of Covid, this is remarkable. Val Buckley, Ed Nagy, Chief Doyle and a number of volunteers made the flu clinic flawless. A special thanks to CVS for providing the much needed vaccinations and administrative support! The Senior Center has handled its gradual and safe reopening amazingly well, providing much needed services and socialization for our seniors.

Be safe and enjoy the weekend!

Dave Bindelglass