A Message from First Selectman Bindelglass


Good afternoon,

The Covid numbers show that Easton has dropped into the yellow with a rate of 7.6 per 100,000 for the two weeks ending October 9. Weston is red and Westport remains orange. It is interesting that of the larger towns, Westport, which still has a mask mandate had a consecutive week decline from 39 cases to 17 cases while Fairfield, which dropped their mandate, had a week over week increase from 20 to 41. Regardless, as discussed before, one more week in yellow and we will lift the mandate.

We will be holding a flu clinic sponsored by the health district at the Library, October 19, from 4:30-7. More info can be found at wwhd.org, and you must preregister. We still have an issue for patients with Anthem. This has been escalated to their national headquarters, but is still to be resolved.

Park and Rec will be sponsoring trunk or treat on Halloween night. For those of you who are new to town, this is a great event which we are pleased to have back.  Details can be found on the park and rec website https://eastonct.myrec.com.

The Easton energy task force is sponsoring a 3 in 1 recycling event on Saturday, October 23 from 10-2 at Samuel Staples for electronics, bottles and cans, and prescription drugs.  Prescription drugs can also be dropped off at the police station at any time.

Last night, Chief Doyle and I attended an event recognizing Domestic Violence Awareness Month and a vigil for the 19 individuals who lost their lives this year to domestic violence in Connecticut sponsored by the Center for Family Justice. We are reminded that unfortunate events happen even in small towns like ours and that the Center for Family Justice provides resources for victims and those who feel threatened. For more information about the services they provide, go to www.centerforfamilyjustice.org. On Thursday October 21, we will be lighting town hall purple in recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The staff will also be wearing purple that day and invite you to join them.

An update on the progress of the South Park Ave. bridge construction:  the last holdup on the bridge is the guardrails, which are a supply chain issue. The projected date for completion and opening is the end of November. The town appreciates the patience of all those who have been affected.

Thanks to a grant from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the Easton library has a brand new study booth! It's perfect for one or two people to work, study, meet, or participate in conference calls. It will be available on a first come, first served basis. The library is also hoping to finish installation of hardware to provide upgraded Wi-Fi service to the library parking lot. Thanks to Lynn Zaffino for all her hard work.

There will be a debate between the candidates for the Region 9 Board of Education at 2:00 PM Sunday, October 17, at Samuel Staples. It will be available on channel 79 and on Facebook live. Election day is November 2, and this is a great way to learn about the issues surrounding the school board. For the newcomers to town, Easton’s Board of Education oversees Samuel Staples Elementary School and Helen Keller Middle School. Joel Barlow High School, which the town shares with Redding, has its own separate Board of Education. This is called Region 9. There is also a Redding Board of Education and all three share the same central office and Superintendent.

Absentee ballots may be obtained at Town Hall from the Town Clerk, 8:30 - 4:30 Monday to Friday (closed for lunch from 1-2). As in last year’s election, everyone is eligible to vote by absentee ballot.

Have a great weekend and watch the debate either live or later on channel 79 or the town website.
