A Message from First Selectman Bindelglass

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Good afternoon,                                                                                                

Monday will mark the beginning of a nearly full time return to school. Although Covid infection numbers in the state have been creeping up they have remained stable here  in town.  Schools have had outbreaks  and had to re-close, we intend this not to be the case in Easton.  The Board of Education and Central Office have worked tirelessly to get to this point, and to make our schools as safe as possible. We recognize  and appreciate their efforts on behalf of our children. There is going to be uncertainty about what will happen, and we will need to be flexible moving forward. Many school systems around the country have handled full openings well and we hope to be one of them.  All of our families with school age children must do their best to follow the rules. The school teachers, administrators and staff are dealing with the difficult issues surrounding the re-opening with the same uncertainties, but we cannot let fear hold us back from daily living.

There are two things I want to address regarding the upcoming election.  One, is again a plea for civility. Vandalism, as  in the defacement of public property is as unacceptable as the damaging or stealing of lawn signs. I would hope that the people of Easton can respect the right everyone has regarding individual opinions and for us all to respect the law. The second issue surrounds the actual election.  Every registered and active voter  should have received an APPLICATION for a ballot. You need to return this to get an absentee ballot.  The ballots will start going out in the mail on October 2, 2020. More information will be forthcoming from the Town Clerk. I can assure you that the Town Clerk and the registrars of voters are doing everything possible to insure that the election process runs smoothly. 

Please do not return applications or ballots to Town Hall. The ballot box is across the street from the entrance to the police station on the library side of Morehouse Road and is clearly marked with large orange signs and arrows on the crosswalk sign.

We have selected Municipal Valuation Services to do the upcoming revaluation of property in town. This is a statistical evaluation of the value of  your property so  there will be no inspections. This sets the grand list, the value of all property in town and taxes are then set by applying the mill rate, which is a percentage of the value of property in the grand list. This process will begin shortly.

For the first time in three years you will see tree crews around Easton working on removing trees close to our power lines. UI has assigned them to address  the trees on our smaller roads off the main feeder trunk lines. They have promised us 15- 20 crews.

Several things were discussed at last night’s Board of Selectmen meeting. We again discussed the dumping of garbage  around town fields. Simply stated, please don’t and please report anyone you seeing bringing their garbage to the fields to the non-emergency police number (203)268-4111.  We are applying for a state grant to improve the intersection of Route 136 and Center Road to make it safer around Grieser’s Coffee & Market.  We are also working on resolving some issues regarding parking in the 660 Morehouse Road parking lot. 

On a happy note, congratulation’s to Easton’s Beverlee and Alexander Dacey. They are being honored at The White House, at the Fourth Annual Made in America showcase. Beverlee is the CEO of  Amodex Products based in Bridgeport.

It is looking to be a wonderful weekend with the weather sunny and crisp. Try to get out and enjoy the foliage in our beautiful town or a visit to one of our local pumpkin patches!!!

Dave Bindelglass