2/18/2022 A Message from First Selectman Bindelglass


Good afternoon,

We actually had a small rise in Covid cases up to 17 for the week ending February 12. That being said, the trajectory of Covid is clearly towards less cases. While we are still in the red and last time had used going from red to orange as the trigger for lifting the mask mandate in public buildings, there is agreement between the health district, Weston and Westport that February 28 is a reasonable day to lift the mask mandate in public buildings and we will do that.

I think we have learned that hybrid meetings lead to a much higher level of public participation in meetings of boards and commissions. We will look at ways to continue this as most meetings will soon go back to being held in person. We have purchased photo equipment to facilitate this and are working on the best ways to deploy the equipment to maximize clarity and level of participation. I am also looking for input as to what meetings should be filmed for channel 79.

We are almost finished reviewing all the town budgets for their initial presentation to the Board of Finance.  Those hearings begin the week of March 1. We will finalize the actual format of those meetings next week. The board of education budgets have also been posted at ER9.org

Last night at the Board of Selectmen meeting, we selected a 7-person committee to oversee the planning and construction of a new EMS headquarters. Those names will be included in the minutes when posted.

Many of you will get to enjoy a long weekend. 

Enjoy and be safe,
