12/24/2021 A Message from First Selectman Bindelglass


Good afternoon,

Covid numbers in Easton continue to increase at a rapid pace. For the two weeks ended December 18th, Easton’s rate is 51.3 per 100,000; there have been 32 new cases.

As you know we have reinstituted a mask mandate for town buildings in Easton. Westport, Norwalk, and Redding all have mandates in all public buildings. Our hospitals are being severely stressed although mostly because they were very busy before this spike in Covid. Nonetheless the number hospitalized for Covid is growing steadily. Most people entering the hospital and most of the sickest of them are unvaccinated although there are a small number of breakthrough cases. For the most part, our seniors seem to be protecting themselves as many cases are children, teens, and younger adults.

While this is extremely frustrating there are several things you can do, and we all know them. First, for the small number who are not, get vaccinated and boosted. Please get all of our children and teens over 5 vaccinated.  Wear a mask in public. Wash your hands and social distance. Although availability is difficult, do your best to get tested if you are exposed and particularly if you are symptomatic.  We are fortunate that our schools and senior center are closed. People should enjoy their holidays.  Just be thoughtful and cautious. As always, the people of Easton have done a good job of protecting our families and neighbors. I am confident that that will continue. 

Have a great Holiday, be happy, be healthy, and be safe.
