01/28/2022 A Message from First Selectman Bindelglass


Good afternoon,

For the week ending January 22, the number of new cases per week dropped to 30. The positivity rate is also dropping. Test kits and N95 masks are available at Police Dispatch, the Senior Center and Town Hall. I will still leave it in the hands of board and commission chairs to run meetings as they see fit.

On February 10, there will be a meeting of the affordable housing committee at Samuel Staples. This meeting will be in person although it will be broadcast. To ask questions you must appear in person. Questions can be sent in ahead of time to ahc@eastonct.gov. The purpose of this meeting is for the public to give their ideas and input. As we do have to formulate a plan, constructive ideas are what will do the committee and the consultants the most good. A whole bunch of people, one after the other, telling the committee what Easton cannot do, does nothing to help the process.

Although there is extreme variability in the forecasts, we may see a significant winter storm this weekend. The best thing you can do is prepare ahead of time. Still, many are new to Easton and are not used to having well water or other of the unique features of rural life. You can see a number of helpful hints for storm preparedness on the town website at: https://www.eastonct.gov/selectmen/pages/storm-response-and-preparation. It is hard enough for our plows and first responders to deal with a bad storm. Please respect them and stay off the roads. Per Town Ordinance, vehicles may not be parked on public roadways during or after a snow storm. Avoid downed trees and wires and get what you need to get done tonight so as not to be out in the storm. We have consistently shown that we are one of the most effective public works departments around, and do a great job of clearing our roads. If you see our team out there thank them. Also, be careful with snow blowers and shoveling. I can tell you from personal experience that emergency rooms become flooded with mishaps involving both.

February 1 is the last day to pay the second installment of real estate taxes, as well as supplemental motor vehicle taxes, without interest. Please keep that in mind.

There are several developments around internet connectivity going on around town. First, the library parking lot now has Wi-Fi/internet service. If you are in the parking lot you can access the internet by setting your browser to Easton PL. There is no password required. If you are having trouble accessing the internet at home, this is an option. We are looking into doing the same around the schools and other public buildings, and possibly wider areas. Also, we have had discussions with Gonetspeed and will have discussions with Frontier as well. The goal is to have competition for internet service in town. This should improve prices and service. Not surprisingly Optimum is now approaching us with service and reliability improvements which they say they are bringing to town as well. I will keep you posted on that as well.

Lastly, from town hall we are pleased to welcome the newest member of our town hall family. Eren Ceylan, from our health department and his wife have a new baby boy. We wish them the best.

Please enjoy the beauty of the snow tomorrow, but stay safe and use common sense.

Have a great weekend,
