8/19/22 A Message from First Selectman Bindelglass


Good Afternoon,

A Special Town Meeting will be held on September 6, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. at the Easton Senior Center, 650 Morehouse Road, to discuss and approve the 2022 E-Citation Grant.  The E-Citation Grant for the Easton Police Department has multiple purposes. The first purpose of this grant is to secure the necessary funding to implement the E-Ticket/Citation Program. This will enable the Officers to improve the efficiency/safety in multiple aspects of our day-to-day operations, such as time required to fill out an infraction versus handwriting one, electronic data entry being reduced to one­ time, with automatic transfers to the Centralized Infraction Bureau. The ultimate goal of the E-Citation program is to have all Connecticut municipalities operating on the E-Citation platform which is the direction in which the State of Connecticut is heading. The second and the most important for the Easton Police Department is the E-Citation Grant provides the ability to fund all necessary equipment, (mobile computers, mounting brackets, E-Citation printers, hardware) and installation for the patrol vehicles. The department currently does not have mobile computers in the patrol vehicles. Without having mobile computers at the hands of officers, it is becoming increasingly difficult to perform the duties of law enforcement by not having the proper tools for the job. This is also creating a safety risk for the officers as currently the officer has to conduct all Motor vehicle registration, Operators License, and Criminal record checks through the Police Dispatch Center which extremely limits what information the officer is able to obtain. On June 1, 2022 the Easton Police Department was awarded the E-Citation Grant in the amount of $35,954.25 which will cover the costs of five (5) mobile computers, five (5) E-Citation printers, all mounting hardware and installation which will be purchased through Glacier Computers New Milford, CT. This grant is a 100% reimbursable grant.

Please be aware that the potential for fire spread is enhanced and increasing. The prolonged absence of wetting rains, along with moderate to severe drought conditions, have led to very dry soil moistures. Any fire that ignites will easily and rapidly spread in these conditions. That really means any outdoor activity that has a potential for starting a fire. Tossing cigarettes, fire pits, fireworks are all potential causes of fires.  All burn permits will be suspended until conditions improve. Many of our neighboring towns have already had fires, putting lives and property in peril. I cannot stress this enough. Conditions are highly unusual.  Be careful and let’s hope there is rain in the forecast soon.

Please join us this Saturday, August 20th for a charity ride and classic car show hosted by Easton Volunteer Emergency Medical Services at Samuel Staples Elementary School from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Please see eastonems.com for further information.

A note from the Senior Center:  The Senior Center is updating the Easton Town Directory. In an effort to offset the printing cost and raise funding for Seniors’ classes, we are seeking donations. Suggested donations: Benefactor ($100), Patron ($75), Supporter ($50) or Friend ($25), however, any amount is greatly appreciated. Please submit your donation to the Easton Senior Center, 650 Morehouse Road, no later than August 25th.  We appreciate your generosity.

Have a good weekend,
