12/9/2022 A Message from First Selectman Bindelglass


Good afternoon,

Last Sunday I was honored to preside over the lighting of the town Christmas Tree at the library. It was a lovely night and the turnout was tremendous. It was great to see everyone and the sense of community is awesome.

My office routinely sends an information packet to all new residents. Last year the Selectmen did an “Introduction to Easton,” Zoom session.  This was a fun evening with the three Selectmen introducing different activities and institutions in town. The video is available at https://vimeo.com/showcase/easton-new-residents for all residents. It is full of information, and if you want to learn about what we offer and other features of Easton it is a good start. Please check it out. 

At the special Town Meeting on December 5, the town approved changes to the Chapter 290-1 of the Code of Easton, the ordinance which governs the Planning and Zoning Commission, in response to a request to modify the Land Use fee schedule to be consistent with the current Zoning Regulations and Plan of Conservation & Development. The requested modification removed unused fees, instituted new fees, and decreased fees for farmers.  We also approved the appropriation of funds to repair the tennis courts at Helen Keller on the same location as they presently stand and to line them for pickle ball as well. These funds of $244,000 will be reimbursed from a state grant. We also made some minor changes to the ethics ordinance. On Tuesday there will be a referendum regarding the town’s property on South Park Avenue.  The question to be voted on is, “Shall the Town of Easton restrict the use of a town-owned, 10.9-acre parcel of property located at 18-22 South Park Ave., as set forth in the proposed “Conservation Restriction” on file in the Town Clerk’s office and published on the town website?” There is a tremendous amount of information regarding the question on the town website including the document itself and supporting material. See,  https://www.eastonct.gov/town-meeting/pages/south-park. The Selectmen made this an inclusive process and have produced a document we think the people will find satisfactory. If it is rejected we will rewrite it.

As many of you have noticed, we have had several power outages during storms in the last few weeks. First, for those of you who are new to town power outages may not be new, but if you have a well as your water supply there are some tips and things to think about on our web site https://www.eastonct.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif3071/f/uploads/personal_preparedness_hurricane_summer_storms_easton_jwwhd_2919.pdf  Second, we met with United Illuminating and discussed the need to do some tree work. A few years ago, we did a significant amount of clearing of trees around the power lines, but it may be time again. Also, there are a lot of dead trees, ash or other types around town on private property, and these are a potential danger to cars and pedestrians. I am told that homeowners’ insurance does not necessarily cover damage from falling dead trees. Taking them down is not cheap but the risk of serious damage or injury is high.

A few weeks ago, I spoke to the issue of the recent break-ins in the Easton Woods neighborhood and shared a few suggestions from Chief Doyle on ways to keep your home safe. On Thursday December 15th at 10 am Alison Witherbee, Municipal Agent for the Aging, will be co-hosting a presentation on SCAMS and How to Protect Yourselves with Officer Lyman from the Easton Police Department.  This is an important topic for everyone, not only seniors, and there will be a review of the precautions you can take to keep you and your home safe as well.  Call Alison to sign up 203-268-1137.  A light breakfast will be served!

This should be another great weekend for the “Christmas tree” capital of Connecticut. Please take advantage of all the great things going on at many of our farms. We are still working on delivering the senior center town directories. They are being delivered by volunteers who I know are working hard to get them out. I know I delivered to my own street. Again, they are great resource.

Have a great weekend,
