12/22/2022 A Message from First Selectman Bindelglass


Good afternoon,

Last year Planning and Zoning began a project to place signs at strategic entrances to Easton to promote our town and its heritage. P&Z hopes promoting the town will improve its image and potentially drive increasing values for our homes.  They decided to have unique signage designed by our children.  Thirty-one students from Samuel Staples Elementary School and 91 Helen Keller Middle School students submitted their version of “What Easton Means to Me” signs for an art project sponsored by the Easton Planning and Zoning Commission in collaboration with the Easton Arts Council and Easton Arts Center.  The winning signs represented the work of groups of students, each of whom contributed something unique. The first of those signs by Helen Keller students was installed today at the intersection of Black Rock Turnpike and Route 136 by members of the Easton Public Works Department. I think the sign represents our town beautifully. See full article in the courier at https://eastoncourier.news/2022/12/20/first-of-the-student-designed-welcome-to-easton-signs-installed-at-4-corners/.

Town Hall has a limited supply of COVID tests that will expire in January. If you are interested in receiving a kit (consisting of 2 tests), please call or stop by Town Hall.

We have a Storm Advisory for tonight and tomorrow with significant rain and wind gusts expected. The best thing you can do is prepare ahead of time. You can see a number of helpful hints for storm preparedness on the town website https://www.eastonct.gov/emergency-info. Avoid downed trees and wires and get what you need to get done so as not to be out in the storm. Please help our emergency workers by being careful and letting them do their work without interference. Stay safe.

Please remember Town Hall is closed until December 27th.

Have a wonderful holiday.
