02/26/2020 A Message from First Selectman Bindelglass...

The beginning of March is always a busy time in Easton as it represents the beginning of “budget season”. The Board of Finance Budget Hearings begin on March 3rd at 7pm at the Senior Center. Developing the budget is the single most important job of any town government. I believe it is critical that all Easton residents familiarize themselves with the budget proposals so they can be informed at the upcoming budget Public Hearing, Annual Town Meeting and Referendum. All are encouraged to attend the Public Hearing and Annual Town Meeting where residents can speak to issues that concern them. Public comment at actual Board of Finance meetings is limited so that the board can manage the large volume of work it must accomplish in a short time frame. There has been some discussion about public comment at BOF meetings becoming a regular agenda item.

There are three other issues of great importance to the Town also up for consideration:

First, the proposed consolidation of our Health Department with the Westport/Weston Health District; public informational meetings and a public hearing are scheduled for March 2nd at 7:30 pm in the Library Community Room; March 5th at 9:30 am in the Senior Center and a Public Hearing on April 22nd at 7:30 pm in the Library Community Room.

Second, the design charrette for a walkway on Sport Hill Road is posted on the Town website. Again, I would urge all to read the posting. There are a number of questions that have surfaced that are answered in the presentation.

Finally, the proposal (Letter of Intent) for an agreement with Sacred Heart University to convert a grass field at the Morehouse Road property to turf for joint use by their Women’s Field Hockey Team and our youth programs; the addition of 6-8 tennis courts for joint usage and the construction of a walking/cross country path on the property has just been posted on our website. Sacred Heart University would lease the land from the Town for one dollar and Easton residents would have access to resources at Sacred Heart University.  While these are the highlights, issues like actual usage, security etc. is discussed in the document.

Given that all three of these issues as well as the budget discussions are likely to evoke passionate feelings in Town, I feel obligated to make some comments. I ran on a platform of a more open and transparent government with assurances that the people of Easton will have every opportunity to participate in decisions that affect our future. I feel very strongly that this is my role as First Selectman. I feel equally strongly that assuring the open transparent processes that we all want places significant responsibilities on the citizenry as well. Not only are we all neighbors and should treat each other as such but in a Town Meeting form of government, we are all legislators. As such, we need to be informed and discuss issues based on the facts. It is the job of Town Officials to make facts available. There will be multiple forums and published documents to keep you, the residents of Easton, informed. It is my hope that making this information public and accessible will lead to honest debates followed by informed decision making. If we are serious about good government then there is no place in the debate for hyperbole mistruth and deceit. The increased participation in the governing process that I have witnessed in the few short months since taking office is inspiring.

I look forward to working with all of you as we contemplate the important issues before us. The next brown bag lunch will be held at Town Hall at noon on March 24, 2020. The next evening Q & A will be held at Town Hall at 7:30 p.m. on March 26, 2020.